About Me
Nino Alonso lives and works as an independent artist and filmmaker in Bonn. Born in Berlin, he first moved to Bonn to study sculpture. Subsequently his deep curiosity for contemporary media led him to the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design, where he studied media art from 2015 to 2022. The focus of his work is the interdependent relationship between individual freedom to collective freedom, or of self-determination of the regulating institutions. To investigate this he often alienates and exaggerates the communication representations of the institutions. The resulting installations, which are mostly media-reflexive and multimedia installations have already been exhibited, among others at the ZKM Karlsruhe. At the same time, he develops his artistic pedagogical formats from his artistic work, which he has been able to deepen as a lecturer for "Media Art".
- 2010 Beginning of studying fine art at the Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences | Bonn | Germany
- 2011 Stonesymposium Stange | Norway, »Basaltsymposium 2, Skulpturenweg Unkel – Erpel – Linz« | Germany, »Klangbilder Momente des Schweigens« | Breedevort | Netherlands, Steinskulpturen, Hochschule Niederrhein | Mönchengladbach | Germany, »artist-internship« at studio of Wolfgang Flad | Berlin | Germany
- 2012 »Sopor« exhibition during the artist project of the former hospital St. Joseph | Königswinter | Germany, »¾« exhibition Tapetenfabrik | Bonn | Germany
- 2014 »Blickwechsel« | Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences | Alfter | Germany
- 2015 B.F.A. Bachelor-Exhibition »Komplex 6.7« | Alte Feuerwache | Cologne | Germany, Beginning of studying madia art at the University of Arts and Design Karlsruhe | Germany, CCM Corperate Communication and Media FZI | Karlsruhe | Germany
- 2016 »Roundabout#16 concert« at the University of Arts and Design | Karlsruhe | Germany, Begin to working at the Youth Center »Jubez« | Karlsruhe | Germany
- 2017 Artist intership at the Sound-Art festival »Geometry of Now« with Dr. Paul Modler | Moscow | Russian Federation,»Rundgang 2017, 25 Years University of Arts and Design« at the University of Arts and Design | Karlsruhe | Germany,Lecture and Workshop »DIGGI17-Enter Next Level Learning«, Begin to working in the ZKM Museum Communication Karlsruhe | Germany;
- 2018 »Madeira Excursion« with Prof.João Tabarra and a geust lecture from Nicole Brenez | Madeira | Portugal, »Roundabout concert« at ZKM Kubus | Karlsruhe | Germany,»Beyond Festival 2018« at the University of Arts and Design | Karlsruhe | Germany,»Digital Imaginaries – Africas in Production« together with Mira Hirtz and Marcus Neustetter at ZKM Center for art and Design | Karlsruhe | Germany;
- 2019 »Walking around the sun«, international curatorial project with the AI driven installation »Weglegesache« together with Leander Kurscheidt, with Prof. Dr. Eduarda Neves (Portugal), at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design | Karlsruhe | Germany,»Adorno and the media«, international conference and exhibition with the AI driven installation »Weglegesache« together with Leander Kurscheidt, curated by Dr. Lioudmila Voropai at ZKM | Karlsruhe | Germany;
- 2020 „Insitu Movements“, exhibition with a AI - controlled installation „Weglegesache“ together with Leander Kurscheidt at Letschebach e.V. | Karlsruhe | Deutschland;
- 2022 Diplom "Media art", Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design | Karlsruhe | Germany